What a Girl Wants
by a campbell
Smallville, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, NC-17
silly, spoilers for "Obsession". Thanks to fajrdrako for the beta and also for the title!
The dialogue in the first part is from "Obsession".
Clark clenched his jaw, hard enough to hurt. Even as he told himself this was no big deal.
"You go on one date with this girl, and already she's sneaking into your bedroom, putting sexy pictures of herself in your locker, and practically asking her parents to book the wedding chapel."
Lex's brow furrowed into puzzled creases as he turned around.
"What's your secret, Clark?"
Clark sighed.
"This isn't funny, Lex. We barely know each other, and she's already acting like we're soul mates."
"Look, in my experience, a person doesn't develop that kind of fixation unless she's been encouraged to think the relationship is more than just casual."
This wasn't the sympathy for which Clark had yearned. He hoped his reply didn't sound as wounded as he felt. He'd just expected Lex to understand, that was all.
"You're saying I led her on?"
"I'm saying I've been there. She's smart. She's pretty, and you want her to like you, so you tell her things she wants to hear." Lex stepped in close, narrowed his eyes and dropped his voice to somewhere between a murmur and a whisper. "I'm curious. What exactly did you do to make her feel this way?"
He shouldn't tell Lex about everything that happened last night, should he?
"You're making my point for me."
Just hold me, thought Clark.
Maybe he shouldn't have come over.
The morning after Alicia's late-night visit, and why, Clark was wondering, had he made a beeline for the mansion as soon as he was up and dressed? He and Lex were best friends whose relationship had gone way past casual at least a couple of years before. After all, they slept together regularly. You'd think he'd have wanted to keep it a secret that the girl he had just met and developed a crush on had teleported herself into his room in the wee hours and jumped him. But the desire to spill it all to Lex had been too strong to resist, so he'd skipped breakfast just so he could get over there fast.
Lex always seemed to enjoy making him feel green, and Clark just couldn't bypass this big opportunity to prove that, yeah, girls, no, women could find him attractive, too. Besides, Lex was usually so reserved. Sure, he'd been known to say things like, "You're mine," and "God, Clark," even things about "Love"...but mostly just before and during orgasm. After the sex, even when they were still lying in each other's arms, with Clark half-dozing and maybe mouthing his bare chest, he defaulted to this attitude that Clark had to go on, live his own life, and far be it from him to make any demands. Clark would wind up wondering if maybe he'd imagined the mushy stuff.
Then Lex would usually start talking about Lana, which always made Clark cringe. About how Clark should go for it, for God's sake. Never wanted to commit himself, or let Clark do it, either. Clark couldn't help wishing he'd be jealous, act possessive, for once. Just once act like Clark owed him something other than a quick blow job or hand job or something strictly physical. Just once. Things had been weird between them for awhile, now, and he wasn't sure why he thought that telling Lex about Alicia might bring them closer together again, but here he was.
Figured that the first thing Lex tried to do today was make him feel stupid.
"What about Amy? Did you lead her on?" Clark felt even more defensive than he knew he sounded. Didn't Lex remember being stalked by his live-in help? To the best of Clark's knowledge, Lex hadn't done anything to invite it. Or had he?
Lex let that remark fly right by. "Clark, sit down."
Clark's eyebrows went up, and he sighed again, but he found himself doing as Lex directed. He watched and waited as his best friend swirled amber liquid around in a cut-glass tumbler and sat down beside him as though they were two grade-school boys about to trade well-thumbed baseball cards. But instead he reached for Clark's hand and kneaded it, slim fingers working Clark's broader ones with steady motion. Clark exhaled as soon as Lex touched him, because he'd been hoping for that.
Alicia's visit had been exciting, but a caress from her just wasn't in the same ballpark as one from Lex. Lex's tone, when he spoke, was low and bedroom-soft, and a brief shiver skittered up Clark's spine in response. Even with super-hearing, he strained his ears to listen, and tried hard to keep from trembling.
"So, Clark. She came in your room and...what?"
Clark cleared his throat. "I was half asleep, and felt a hand on my shoulder. She was in my bed. Next to me."
Lex let his breath out in a low whistle and nodded. "Good for starters. What did she do next?"
Clark gnawed at the inside of his lip, briefly considering his reply. "Sat on me," he muttered, looking away. Lex snorted in the midst of a swallow of scotch, and Clark could feel the heat rising up his neck and to his cheeks.
When he turned back, Lex was shaking his head. "Your innocence," he murmured, "is a national treasure." He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and took a deep breath. Leaned over, put an arm over Clark's shoulder and kissed him open-mouthed. Clark felt himself give a little gasp of surprise, but before he could relax into the caress, Lex sat back as if nothing had happened, letting his tongue glide over his lips as he gazed straight ahead.
"What was she wearing?" Lex sounded so matter of fact.
"Not much," Clark remembered with a surprised, uneasy grin. "A little silk camisole-thing and briefs. Pink. No, purple. The bottoms were pink...I think."
Clark's voice trailed off. Lex put a finger to his lips and Clark thought he heard him go, "Shh." He wasn't sure, though. To Clark, it looked like Lex's expression softened with affection but he told himself it could just be his own wishful thinking. Lex's voice was like melted caramel as he continued. "Nice," he said. "Then what?"
"What?" repeated Clark, half in a daze, wondering just how late he was for math class right about now.
Lex said patiently, "What did she do then?"
"I didn't know what to say. She said...uh..."
"Kissed me. Then she...um...started rocking and bouncing up and down."
"Still on top of you?"
"Yeah." Clark caught his breath, unaccountably startled at the memory. A naked girl, in his bedroom at home. It had happened, hadn't it?
"Ah," Lex took another, bigger swig of scotch. "And you liked that?" He coughed a little, and Clark felt the warmth of Lex's hand on his left thigh, felt it begin stroking in slow circles as a small moan fluttered in his throat.
"Yeah. Wouldn't you have?" He let himself relax, leaning his head back on the couch, because Lex's caress on his leg was as good as a massage.
"I assume you weren't wearing a shirt in bed." Lex stopped stroking and reached to pluck at Clark's collar with gentle fingers. Clark shivered at the tickle of Lex's touch on the skin of his neck. And he couldn't help loving the sound of Lex's voice, even when Lex was teasing him, making fun of him. Turned him to mush; he just soaked it up.
"I never wear tops to pajamas. You know that. A t-shirt once in awhile. You know I hardly ever do, though." He tried to still Lex's roaming fingers with his own, and leveled him a look that he hoped was stern, but was probably not scary enough to have much effect, because Lex didn't react at all.
"You're always warm." Lex agreed in that velvet voice. "And you've never been with a woman, either, have you? So you probably didn't know what to do then."
Clark flushed again and frowned. "Same things you and I do together, I figured."
Lex's mouth twitched as he dropped his gaze. "Well, not quite, but similar." He moved closer to Clark. "Tell me what happened then. What you did."
Clark licked his lips. His tongue felt thick in his mouth, and his words came out almost as a whisper. "I touched her."
"Hips. Put my hands on her hips."
"Your big hands," Lex touched the back of the hand nearest him with a light brush of his fingers, smooth and admiring, and continued. "On her slender hips. Held her steady. Then what?"
"She bent down, kissed me again. Kept on kissing me, too."
"And you stretched up to kiss her back. Probably opened your mouth to do it, right?" Lex tapped at Clark's bottom lip with the tip of his index finger. "Traded tongues, slow at first, then faster?"
"Yeah." Clark's breath escaped on a low shudder. He shifted uncomfortably on the leather couch. It was cold and snowy outside, and usually chilly in the library, but it seemed to Clark that it had gotten really warm, all of a sudden. Must be the brisk little fire Lex had going in the grate.
He noticed something else. This conversation was really turning him on.
And that Lex's hand had drifted from his leg to his crotch. Not moving, just resting there lightly, but Clark could feel the warmth of his skin through the fabric. He tried to sit still but his cock had other ideas. It stirred under Lex's palm and Lex's face relaxed into the closest thing to a grin Lex Luthor could manage. Clark tried to look away but his eyes stayed fixed on his friend as Lex's gaze darkened.
"You were hard by then, right, Clark?" Lex let his finger trace Clark's cock underneath the fabric; it tickled a little, but felt really good, and Clark drew in a quick, shaky breath. "You know, she probably would have sucked you, but I don't want anyone but me doing that." Clark, half-embarrassed, heard himself gasp, and wondered, before the quick shudder went rippling through his body, how Lex could keep his tone so light and even when he said things like that. Lex was always trying to get him to talk dirty, but so far, he just hadn't been able to. He never said much of anything while they were...
Lex leaned up to nip at an earlobe. Nipped, and then blew, so that Clark could feel saliva cooling, drying on his skin. His cock jerked in his jeans, really hard, now, and he noticed with dismay that his hands were shaking. Lex clucked, squeezed, and rested his chin on Clark's shoulder, and Clark heard him make a soft kissing sound.
"Stop," Clark begged in a pleading moan, fighting the urge to pull Lex closer. "You might think this is funny, Lex, but it's serious." He tried to push Lex away, and wondered half-heartedly, where the hell his super-strength was, because Lex didn't budge.
"I know you don't really want me to stop." Lex sounded soothingly indulgent, as if he were talking to a willful child. Clark opened his mouth to disagree but closed it again, feeling his eyes grow round and big as he shook his head.
"Anyway, sounds like Alicia was ready," Lex said blandly. "So what did you do?"
"Nothing," Clark was startled to hear his voice come out in a groan. Lex leaned over before he could close his mouth and kissed him again, using his tongue to tease Clark's lips open, making the kiss warm and wet. Clark said nothing when Lex pulled back and bent to murmur in his ear, just held his breath so he could make out the whispered words.
"You don't know how to make love to a woman, do you, Clark? Maybe we should talk about it."
Clark tried to speak again, but just swallowed hard and shifted a little. His last coherent thought for the morning was to reflect that, if he knew what was good for him, he'd stay the heck away from Lex. If he cared about keeping any dignity at all.
Clark decided being dignified was pretty far down on his priority list right now. He slid down even further on the couch cushions, senses charged, flinching as his eyes dropped closed. But not before he saw Lex shrug and heard him say, deliberately casual and phony as a three-dollar bill.
"Maybe Alicia could have shown you. Or I could give you a few pointers."
Lex raised his eyebrows and waited. Clark couldn't bring himself to say "Okay", but he nodded.
"You should have reached down, between her legs, made sure she was warm and wet. You could have touched her clit, rubbed it in circles just like this. She'd melt for you if you did that, squeaked and then moaned in that lispy, little-girl voice of hers. Then let your fingers slide down and stretch her. Put them to your mouth and licked them, then, then kissed her and let her taste herself in your mouth. Lifted her up a little, far enough so she could slide down on your cock. Because I know you had to be hard by then, Clark. Your big, beautiful cock." He kneaded Clark's crotch and blew a warm breath in his ear.
Clark tried to keep his heartbeat steady without success. He opened his mouth, but his answer was only a ragged gasp. He sank a little further down on the leather seat, his breaths growing fast and shallow as he pushed up into the warmth of Lex's palm.
Lex, face half-buried in Clark's neck, just kept talking. Clark could feel the motion of his lips like a caress, the occasional dart of his tongue like cool fire. "If you wanted to take the edge off for her first, you could have flipped her over on her back, put both your hands on each side of her, and leaned in to kiss her, mouth open, of course. Just like this." Lex demonstrated the correct technique, earning Clark's undivided attention. "But before that, if you wanted, and if you think she wanted, you could have gone down on her, put your full lips on her pussy and licked her, dipped your tongue in her juices and tasted how wet she was. Eaten her, sucked her till she came crying your name, except that your parents were probably within screaming distance," Lex stretched up again to whisper in Clark's ear. "So that might not have been the best idea."
Clark's eyes dropped closed. Shaking, he let himself fall further under the spell of Lex's voice, straining even with newfound super-hearing to catch the next words.
"Then, after you made her come once, it'd be time to fuck her, Clark, as long as you kept her quiet so your folks wouldn't hear. You could have pressed her into the sheets of your bed, covered her mouth with yours before you pushed one knee between her legs, stretched her open, took your cock in your fist and pushed inside. Not too hard, in case she was a virgin. But it doesn't sound like she was, to tell you the truth."
I have no idea if she was or wasn't, Clark was startled to find himself thinking.
"Anyway, she'd be even wetter inside. You could put one hand on each side of her and pump really hard, in and out." Lex traced the outline of Clark's cock through the fabric. "Kiss her if you wanted to, or maybe suck on her tits. She'd probably shove them even further into your mouth if you did. And then she'd come again, same time as you, probably."
When Lex paused, Clark opened his eyes slowly, still panting, but unable to resist a peek at Lex's face. "Clark," Lex chided him as though he were a kindergartener who had spilled watercolors on the floor at school, "Look at this. You're leaking." He flicked at the wet spot on Clark's jeans with his index finger, palmed his crotch, bent to nuzzle him through the fabric. He licked the fabric then, and Clark told himself there was no reason why this should feel better than having Lex tongue the skin of his cock when he was naked. Somehow, it felt so good this way, even though there were layers of material between him and Lex. More intriguing than when they were both naked, holding promise of so much more. And having Lex talk to him about Alicia while it was happening was hot.
Lex kept stroking and squeezing, and Clark was gasping, now. One shaky arm wrapped around Lex to pull him in closer for another kiss. After a moment, Lex pulled back, panting himself, and continued between shallow breaths.
"You might decide to go for three, then, because I know you never run out of energy, Clark, and as for Alicia, having you make love to her would be enough to make her want to go on all night. So, why not? Go for it, go for her." Lex was rubbing him harder now, and faster , his voice more intense, "You're so hot, Clark. She wouldn't be able to resist you. I never can."
Clark bit off another moan. He'd completely lost control of this situation, that was for sure. It meant going home to change clothes instead of heading straight to school, but he didn't much care at this point.
"You came over here for this, Clark. You know you did. So no need to be coy. Come on, Clark. Come for me." Lex licked, then blew cool breath on the crease in Clark's neck just over his collarbone, and then licked, which pushed Clark over the edge at last. He trembled, pulsing, hand near Lex's on his cock feeling the warm wetness soak through from inside
Lex was gliding a hand through Clark's tousled hair as Clark came back to himself. "Good?"
"So good." Clark sighed, smiled and nestled into his side. "Really good."
Lex gathered Clark into his arms and smoothed his bangs back from his damp brow, then pressed his lips to his forehead. He bent his head to look at Clark with what almost looked to Clark like earnest concern--at least through the spinning haze of endorphins.
"Better than with Alicia?"
Clark made him wait a few minutes for an answer. He stretched, sighed, and licked his lips. Pretended to think for a moment, then two. Heard himself say, "Alicia who?" with a chuckle. Then, more seriously, "I can't answer that, Lex. Maybe I could have if my Dad hadn't decided to come barging in."
Lex didn't laugh heartily very often, but he did laugh at that. "So start locking your door at night, Clark. Use your brain."
Clark turned to Lex with a smile, and let his eyes droop sexily. At least, he hoped he looked sexy. He touched a finger to Lex's chest and let his hand drag lightly down to Lex's belt. He tried to sound sexy, too. "So, how about you, Lex? You want me to..."
Lex warmed Clark's hand in both his own for a moment, then sat up with a reluctant shake of his head. "No, Clark, I'm running late for an appointment. I should have left twenty minutes ago. But hold that thought till later. You are coming back tonight?"
Am I? Clark wondered. Yeah, I guess I am.
Then Clark pushed Lex back with a gentle hand and dragged himself reluctantly to his feet. "I'd better go, or I'll be late to class. Unless you can talk me out of it. No, don't," Clark cautioned, for Lex was getting that ambitious light in his gaze again. Clark looked down at the front of his pants and, "Geez," he said.
Lex stood up and looked him up and down, tugged at the hem of his denim jacket. "Good thing you're wearing this." He studied Clark for a moment more and shook his head, then stepped to his desk and picked up his wallet. He opened it and drew out a fifty dollar bill. "Buy yourself some new jeans at Fordman's on the way in."
Clark opened his mouth to refuse, then, with an exasperated shake of his head, reached to pluck the crisp bill from Lex's fingers. "You love doing this to me, don't you?"
Lex shrugged, and took one more swig of his drink. "So you think you'll know what to do next time a girl sneaks into your room?"
"If there is a next time," Clark exhaled, letting his expression go somber.
"You have doubts?"
"Yeah," Clark sighed. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged, hoping he didn't look too dazed and dopey, and Lex moved closer and held his gaze for a long moment before continuing.
"It doesn't matter. As long as you remember one thing. You're mine, Clark. Whatever you do at home, in bed, with girls from school. And whatever shape your jeans are in. Just tell me: have you learned anything from what I've said?"
"I sure have."
Lex raised his eyebrows, and waited.
Clark's serious face broke into a grin. He pulled Lex in, chuckling at the out-of-breath sound Lex made when their chests collided, and let one hand cruise over Lex's bare scalp before holding him still for one more kiss. "I should try making you jealous more often."
Feedback is welcome at amoss53@yahoo.com
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