
by a campbell

Smallville, gen


Dodecal Challange #10: "An unexpected catastrophe mars Lex's wedding preparations. What it it? Describe (and enjoy doing it!)"


The limousine's right front tire was flat as a pancake. Lex, with best-man Clark following close behind, stared down at the disaster. The ceremony began in one hour.

"Do something, Lex," Helen fumed. She tapped one silk-shod foot on the pavement of the mansion driveway. "This is the third flat tire. This is no accident. It's sabotage."

"Try to stay calm, Helen," Lex directed. "I'll get Hans out here again."

"It must be your father. He doesn’t want this wedding. You know that," she hissed. "We need an army of bodyguards today!"

"It'll be okay," Lex soothed, taking her in his arms.

Helen would not be comforted. "You should have invited him," she moaned, "We could have kept an eye on him!"

Clark, standing behind them, turned away to rub his eyes.

Overuse of heat vision on rubber products always made his eyes tired.



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