One Word More...
by a campbell
Smallville, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Dodecal Challenge 27: "More Honesty, Please"
"However Chloe may have misused her newly-acquired power in "Truth," it was great fun, and intriguing, seeing everyone forced to be absolutely candid when she confronted them. Show us someone else spilling for Chloe, or give us a continuation or another component of one of the confrontation scenes from the episode, or another encounter with one of the same characters."
"I want him to love me." After he spoke, Lex turned away from her. His throat worked, and, half-chuckling, he seemed astounded he'd actually said the words.
Mouth dry, Chloe swallowed, hard. This newfound power was a mixed blessing. Lex's revelation might help her understand him better, but she could hardly make a story out of it.
"Almost as much as I want Clark to love me."
Chloe gasped and gnawed her lip, unsure whether she wanted to squeal or be sick all over the floor of Lex's office. Lex grasped her arm, hard, and she opted for the squeal, though it was one of pain, not glee.
"Chloe, I'll pay you whatever you want. I'll find Gabe a great job anywhere, beat Dad at his own game. Just, please. Talk to Clark and ask him about me. He'll have to tell you the truth."
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