Not Even Human
by a campbell
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, PG
Spoilers for "Shattered"
Dodecal Challange #20: . A Smallville character has regrets. Describe.
Dodecal Challange #23: Take a moment from the episode, "Shattered," and continue it.
From where Clark stood hidden, well away from Edge’s house, he could hear Lex’s voice through the trees, screaming his name.
Hands clenched, he groaned in anguish. How had things gotten so fucked up? He’d only been trying to help. Lex had no one to rely on but him. Now things were much, much worse.
Decision made in one lightning instant, he’d turned to Lex, scared and triumphant. There’d been no time to weigh anything before stopping the speeding car, and now there could be no more secrets between them.
What he’d seen in Lex’s gaze had terrified him.
Lex’s words, the calculating gleam in his eye, the mixture of awe and contempt. Instead of trying to explain, or disclaim, he’d just run. Split without a word, leaving his friend to the mercy of those who had no mercy.
And he wept.
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