New Digs

by a campbell

Smallville, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor


Dodecal Challenge 24: "Minor Surgery"
"Rewrite a scene from Season Three so far. The rewrite can be major or minor: just make the scene unfold more to your satisfaction than it may have done on the program!"

I'd have liked to go into more detail, and did omit some lines. Blame that pesky 144-word limit!

I yearned to see this happen toward the end of "Phoenix," (the original scene can be found directly before the Lana-dumping scene):


Jonathan taped up one of the last boxes. "Just won’t seem right calling any other place home."

"It's not the place that makes the home, Dad," Clark was on his way downstairs.

"Does that mean you’re coming with us?" Martha queried, hardly daring to hope.

"Guess you can’t run away from the problem when the real problem is in your blood."

"Hey, Clark," Jonathan consoled. "Don’t be so hard on yourself."

"Hi, Lex," Martha said. The screen door creaked open.

"Hey, Lex, you missed the garage sale, but we have tons of these macrame plantholders left."

"Thanks, Clark; I’m actually doing my own share of purging around the mansion. To make room for my new roommate."

Clark slipped an arm around Lex’s shoulder, turned to face his parents with a nervous smile. "Mom, Dad, I’m not coming with you. I’m moving in with Lex."



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