Memoria Tryptych
by a campbell
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Spoiler for "Memoria"
Clark stood motionless, ill from more than kryptonite after-effects, as Lex descended the stairs. Disgust, with himself, with what he’d said to Lex, who, despite everything, had been a good friend, and suffered so much pain.
My fault. My fault for going to your father. My fault for lying from the beginning. My fault for not trusting you, not treating you as one friend would, should another.
Maybe if he came clean about those seven weeks, the miserable, sick feeling would go away.
Lex, by some miracle, was still on the landing when he headed downstairs. Just standing there, in a daze. When Clark touched his arm, he jumped and stared as though he’d just been jolted from a nightmare.
“Lex, I’m sorry. Forgive me. I never should have said what I did, done what I did. Come back upstairs. We have to talk.”
Lex stared out the window at the evening sky as Clark’s halting words died away in the stillness of the loft.
“Clark, you didn’t have to do this.”
“I should have done it long ago.” Clark stood, laying a palm on Lex’s shoulder. “I’ve been a lousy friend. Does what I’ve told you help at all, explain anything, make up for me being a jerk?”
“You’re not a jerk, Clark. You’re a kid. All kids make mistakes. Even me.”
“I’m not a kid,” Clark protested. Then he blinked. “What?”
“I was a kid once, too, Clark. Who made a decision that…” Lex turned abruptly from the window, not meeting Clark’s eyes. “I have to go. Find my father. Take care.”
Clark’s gaze darkened with concern. “No, Lex. Don’t bring him into this again. Please.”
“He and I have to talk. But not about you.”
Clark followed him to the stairs. “Lex, I just told you I’m from another planet. Doesn’t that freak you out just a little?”
Lex turned to him. “If I hadn’t figured it out a long time ago, it might have.”
Clark breathed a sigh of relief. “I should have known, as smart as you are--”
Dismissive, Lex shook his head, and continued. “Now that we both know I know, we can make some progress. We’ll both protect your secret. And, with your strength and speed, and my assets, we can do a lot of good. Clark…Thanks for trusting me, at last.”
“I’m just sorry it took so long. But, Lex? I think today was meant to be.”
Halfway down the stairs, Lex glanced back up. “Why do you say that?”
“If I hadn’t gone to Summerholt, I’d never have remembered my mother’s name.”
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