Mall Walking

by a campbell

Smallville, Clex


Challenge 33:
"Clark and Chloe go shopping at the mall"


Clark sighed wistfully as soon as he and Chloe entered the mall.

“Lex and I must have come here at least twice a week all last summer.”

"Yeah,” Chloe commiserated. “Too bad you guys are on the outs now. You’ll just have to make do with me this year.”

Clark sighed again and tried to smile.

“Aladdin’s Castle. Lex and I used to spend whole afternoons there. And about a billion quarters. He’d bust my butt at Donkey Kong.”

“O…kay,” said Chloe slowly.

“Auntie Anne’s,” Clark sighed. Lex could eat three pretzels to my one. He may look thin, but…”

“Not Hot Topic,” Clark begged. “All that black leather just makes me think of Lex.”

Chloe just groaned.

“Clark, listen up. You’ve been moping over Lex all afternoon. Go to him.”

Clark hesitated for a moment before his face broke into a grin. “Okay.”



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