Made of Money

by a campbell

Smallville, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor


Disclaimer: Lex and Clark are not mine, though I wish fervently they were.

Thanks to my betas, Fajrdrako and JacynRebekah. You guys are my strength. The picture is by Katkim.


"Lex!" Clark strode into the library, as if he didn't care that Lex was on the phone. The library at the manor was gently lit by the early afternoon sun, and dust particles wafted in the air.

"I'll have to call you back," Lex said into the mouthpiece, looking Clark up and down and noting that he appeared hot, agitated, uncomfortable. So Lex made a point of seeming calm, concerned, and relaxed as he laid the phone on the desk. "Clark. Is everything all right?"

"I need to raise bail money for Joseph Willowbrook. He's being set up. I think by Luthorcorp." Clark swallowed hard, and Lex looked away in what would have been discomfort in anyone else. Clark continued to watch him.

"That's a pretty serious accusation, Clark," Lex began, and Clark nodded. "Don't get me wrong; I'm impressed by your conviction, but--going head to head with my father? You're a little like David, trying to slay Goliath."

Clark didn't smile at the comparison. Still agitated, he continued. "Where do you stand?"

"Any culture that's left a legacy to endure for centuries has earned my respect," said Lex, "but I'm afraid it's a losing battle." Lex caught a glimpse of moist tongue as Clark wet his lips and cast a troubled gaze at him. He stretched, rose, and began to stack the books that were spread across his desk.

"Didn't David beat Goliath?" Clark spread his hands, serious and intense.

"Your new-found advocacy wouldn't have anything to do with the beautiful, doe-eyed crusader, would it?" Lex could feel Clark's eyes burning through him as he picked up the armful of books and strode easily to the stairs, but he kept walking.

An uncomfortable silence was the only response.

"Your mother told me about Kyla," Lex mentally thanked Martha for giving him this advantage, even though the information had caused him a twist of pain at the time. Just what he needed: another Lana-type for competition.

"My mother needs to watch her mouth," Clark almost snapped, in a tone that made Lex raise his eyebrows. Clark continued earnestly, beseechingly. "Lex, have you ever wondered if you were destined to be with someone?"

All the time, Lex thought. He let his gaze linger on Clark's rosy lips, the slight down of five-o'clock shadow on his upper lip. A deep breath followed.

"You're asking someone who's been fighting his destiny his entire life." Clark dropped his eyes, and Lex turned to begin putting up the books. "I'm a little surprised to see you've moved on so quickly." He turned about and looked over the rail to fix Clark with a steady gaze. "What happened to Lana?" Lana had been no threat. Lana seemed like a refuge to Lex about now. He hadn't even seen this new girl, yet, and he was curious. Lex liked to work with as much information as possible.

Clark frowned. "At least we didn't meet and get married in a week."

He broke off as Lex shot him a dark glance over the rail. It wasn't like Clark to push so far. Lex waited, and Clark shrugged, looking discouraged.

"It's a completely different feeling when the person likes you back." Clark seemed to be pleading as he raised his eyebrows to peer up at his friend on the balcony. Lex regarded him for a moment, and his lips twitched into a light grin as Clark shifted uneasily, balling his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker.

"Lex, please. Can you help me with the bail money?" Lex was on his way back down the stairs, and waited to answer until he had almost reached Clark's side.

"I'm sorry, Clark," he said. "I don't make it a practice to bail out alleged murderers." Clark appeared dismayed that Lex seemed firm in his resolve to refuse the request.

Clark sighed, thought a moment, and then, "Maybe I can get you to change your mind,"

Lex looked up, quizzical, a spark of interest igniting in his gaze. He opened his mouth to speak, hesitated briefly, swallowed hard. "And, just how do you intend to do that?"

Clark cleared his throat. "I'll show you," he said. He positioned himself in front of Lex, and put both his hands on his arms. He held Lex's gaze with his own. "Come to the caves with me this afternoon, Lex. You won't believe what you'll see down there."

Lex dropped his eyes, shook his head. "No, Clark. I don't have time, not today. Too much work."

"Make time," Clark insisted in a low voice. "You won't be sorry."

"I can't," Lex repeated firmly, moving to disengage his arms from Clark's grip.

" it for me," Clark begged, holding Lex still. "Please? Or else..."

"No whining, Clark, if you please. Not a good way to get what you want." A brief flicker of amusement passed over Lex's face, but he was too curious to stop now. "Or else what?"

Clark paused, glancing about warily. "Is my mom around?" he demanded.

"Not close by," assured Lex. "I think she and Dad went to town on business." He waited, the challenge almost palpable in the charged air that separated them.

"Good," said Clark. He took a deep breath, regarded Lex evenly, and then suddenly shoved him back against the wall, where he held him pinned. Lex's eyes widened briefly in surprise; he smiled uneasily, and then the amusement faded from his face at Clark's darkening gaze. "Or else, you'll miss this." And Clark licked his lips, hesitated for just a moment, and leaned in for a kiss.

Lex caught a sharp breath and opened his mouth for Clark's probing tongue. His hands stole up to cup the younger man's head, slim fingers threading through raven hair. The kiss was long and slow. Finally, Clark drew back, still holding Lex steady, and bent to lean his brow against Lex's as he fought to catch his breath.

"Okay," Lex was panting too, his voice dusky. "Not bad for starters. But..."

"What?" said Clark. He bent in to nuzzle Lex's neck, eliciting a shiver.

"That tickles," grumbled Lex. "Stop it."

"Not a chance," said Clark, continuing to plant small kisses on Lex's throat, and, in between, tracing the path of the kisses with his tongue. "You were saying?"

"Yeah, right. Well, is this it? Or can you offer something more?" Lex coughed, struggling to keep his cool, and brushed the back of a hand across his mouth.

"Sure can," murmured Clark. He let one hand slide under Lex's sweater and stroked softly, kneading, pinching one nipple, and Lex sighed a ragged breath. His cock twitched as Clark lipped and nipped at his mouth. Lex went suddenly tense as Clark whispered in his ear.

"What's wrong?" Clark demanded huskily. "Afraid your dad might come in?" He breathed another soft breath in Lex's ear and mouthed the lobe with the lightest of touches, letting one hand wander up to the collar of Lex's sweater and pull it down, just a little.

Lex snorted. "Hardly. For God's sake, Clark, now is not the time to bring up my father." He trembled as Clark tongued under his ear, close to the jugular. He moved his other hand down the front of Lex's body, smoothing, stroking.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lex asked, trying desperately to sound exasperated.

Clark chuckled. "Wait and see," he murmured. He slid to his knees before his friend, and ran his big hands up Lex's toned thighs. He glanced up, and saw Lex catch his breath at the smoldering light in his eyes. Lex touched a finger to Clark's kiss-swollen lips, then sighed, and shifted, pressed against the wall. Clark pushed up the thin woven fabric of the sweater, then bent to fumble with the button and zipper on the dark lightweight slacks, but his hands trembled so badly that he had to stop for a moment. He forced himself to take a deep breath. Lex put both hands on his shoulders, and tilted Clark's chin so the boy looked up. He smiled, and raised one eyebrow. "I'm waiting, Clark."

"Mmmm," Clark purred. "Okay." Lifting the hem of Lex's sweater, he touched Lex's navel with a pointed tongue, and laid the surface flat against the exposed stomach, smiling at the strangled gasp from above. Clark touched his tongue to the front of Lex's trousers and pressed a palm against the trapped cock. Finally getting a grip on the zipper, he pulled it down and bent to mouth the hard length briskly through the cloth of the boxers. Lex slammed a fist against the wall behind him, and muttered something under his breath that Clark couldn't decipher. He moaned, shifted, and heaved a sigh that trailed off into a groan. Clark used both hands to reach inside the fabric and ease Lex's cock out of his boxers, teasing it with the tip of his tongue before he began to suck. Lex took a long moment to savor the sensation, letting his hand wander through Clark's hair, toy with the shaggy locks.

"So," he said, his voice hoarse, words coming out on a long hiss, "you think I'm made of money, eh?" and Clark pulled his mouth off in order to answer.

"You are," said Clark. "But, it's not important right now." He let his hands steal up to caress Lex's slim hips.

"You're making a whore of yourself, Clark." Lex gazed down with half-closed eyes and a heavy sigh.

"Don't say that, Lex," said Clark, "That's cruel. I'd be doing this, anyway. Maybe not right this minute, but---" He shrugged, returning to his task, licking, sucking hard for a moment, and then broke to speak again.

"I know you want this, Lex. You want me. And you'll do whatever I want, if I give it to you."

Lex was clenching his hands into fists at his side, and breathing harder now, his eyes scrunched shut. "Oh, yeah? Confident, aren't you?"

"You love me," said Clark. "I know you do," and he saw that Lex smiled at this, though he still kept his eyes closed.

"And, if I do?" he panted, "where will it get me?"

"Just let me show you." Clark's gaze was heated under dark lashes as he glanced up.

Lex bit his lower lip hard as he looked down at Clark. "No, Clark. You'll have to do better than this. Beg harder."

"I'll make this extra good if you'll come to the caverns with me. Promise. Just say yes."

"No, Clark. I told you: not this afternoon. Too much work." But Clark felt the grip on his hair tighten.

"Make time," Clark insisted. "If you know what's good for you." He blew on the tip, then dragged his tongue along the vein from the bottom of the underside to the top, then over the glans. Clark moaned, then, whispering something under his breath, and Lex gasped, then groaned, one hand clutching Clark's shoulder.

"Tell me you like this, Lex, in that silky-smooth voice," Clark cajoled, catching a breath and pausing to squeeze himself through the fabric of his jeans. He knew how important it was that he stay in control.

"No. Can't make it too easy for you." Lex was breathing harder, now.

"I don't like it when you tell me 'No.' I'm not used to it. Give me what I want, Lex. I can make you." He let his mouth travel down to Lex's balls, noting the way Lex quivered as he took first one, then the other, lightly into his mouth.

"No one makes me do anything," Lex gasped, in a voice weaker than normal.

"Watch me," Clark mumbled around his mouthful, teasing with his tongue, letting one testicle, then the next, roll around his teeth. He then disengaged from the sac, held Lex steady, and plunged his mouth down over Lex's cock with renewed vigor. Lex's defenses crumbled at last. He bucked and thrust into Clark's mouth, his white teeth leaving indentations as he bit his own lip. Clark punctuated his sucking with little moans of pleasure that alone were almost enough to send Lex over the edge.

Suddenly, Lex didn't seem to care what he did for the rest of the day. "Oh, yeah, Clark," he murmured, surrendering himself to the sensations. "Just...please...more..."

Clark pulled off abruptly, causing Lex to hiss in protest. "Clark!" a strangled yelp.

"Yeah?" said Clark blandly. ", Lex...what are we doing this afternoon?"

"Damn it, Clark," he groaned, "We can do anything you want. Anything, I don't care."

"What about all that important business?" asked Clark, lips glistening. He let his tongue toggle the bobbing erection in front of him lightly, just a little.

"Fuck it," Lex's voice was pitched somewhere between a growl and a hum. "Just--"

"Just shut up, Lex. And come for me. Now."

"Fuck, Clark, that's it. Just like that. God, I'm--" There were no more words, just strangled moans, from Lex as Clark swooped back down over him and Lex surrendered himself to the hot, demanding mouth. He came with a great shudder and slumped against the wall with a ragged sigh. His breathing gradually slowed, and he regarded Clark with glazed eyes through a haze of satisfaction.

Clark pulled off, swallowed, sighed deeply and smiled with satisfaction, swiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Throwing his arms around Lex, he nuzzled under the hem of the sweater to bury his face in his stomach. "Mmm..." he murmured. Lex gently pushed him back, and began fastening his slacks with shaking hands.

"Clark," Lex's tone was husky, "You're going to kill me one of these days, damn it."

Clark smiled an innocent smile as he got to his feet, handing Lex his keys from the desktop. "You taught me well, Lex. So, ready to go?"

"Ready," Lex repeated in a low voice, as though his thoughts were far away.

"Oh, no," said Clark, dismayed. "Don't tell me I wore you out?" Clark gathered him into a hug, bending to capture his lips once again.

"Okay," Clark smiled after a moment, breaking the kiss with reluctance. "Let's head out to the caves."

Lex took a deep breath, and shook himself from his post-orgasmic haze.

"What about you?" Lex murmured. He pressed a hand to the front of Clark's jeans.

Clark shook his head. "This was for you," he said. "You're giving me what I want."

"Nah," said Lex, "I would have done that anyway, trust me." He pulled Clark close to him and massaged him expertly through the denim. "Your turn, now."

"Okay," said Clark, starting to melt into Lex's embrace. Suddenly, he stopped, putting a hand on Lex's arm. "No, wait. Wait till we get to the caves. It's nice and dark down there...quiet." Clark's voice was almost a purr.

"Hmmm," Lex considered. "The voice of experience?" He shoved Clark's arm and flashed him a look of make-believe jealousy.

"Don't ask," said Clark, with a wicked grin. "You can blow me there, Mr. Moneybags. Till then, don't be a tease."

"Look who's talking," Lex scoffed in a near-whisper. "Sure you don't mind waiting?" He had resumed his stroking of Clark.

"No, it's okay. I'm tough," Clark replied. And Lex gave him an up and down glance of appreciation. "Besides, it's cool down there. I'd like to wait. So stop." Clark firmly extricated himself from Lex's grasp.

"Yeah. So, which car we taking, Clark?"

"Hmm. Let's see. The Jaguar!" said Clark, with a bright smile.

Lex grinned, too, skeptical, indulgent. "Okay. The Jaguar it is. You've earned it." He pulled the keyring from his pocket and thumbed to the correct key.

"No, wait. Hmm. Maybe the Lamborghini."

Lex gave him a light punch in the side, and Clark laughed.

"Spoiled boy," Lex murmured.

"Yeah, but you love me, anyway, you know you do."

Lex pulled Clark in for another kiss with his free hand.

"Not that I'm your personal bank, Clark...but, the next time you need money, be sure to come to me first."

"Sure, Lex. I'll keep that in mind."

Lex sighed again, regarding Clark with a rare, candid gaze. "Okay, I'm a fool for you. You win."

"No, we both win," said Clark. He joggled Lex's elbow, and laughed. "But, I had you. Admit it. You'd have done just about anything for me, right then."

Lex just sighed, speechless, for once, and smiled at Clark with something almost like innocence. Clark smiled back, his gaze growing dark and serious.

"But, you know, Lex," he said in a low voice, "It was really all just because I love you. Not because I wanted money, or anything else from you. I hope you know that."

Lex came about as close as he ever could to looking both embarrassed and completely lovesick before nodding in agreement. "Come on," he urged, grabbing Clark's arm, "I can't wait to see those caves."


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