The Last To Leave

by a campbell

Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, PG

Spoiler for "Jitters"


His head throbbed from the pistol-blows. The heavens had swallowed his father’s helicopter twenty minutes ago, and now the students, parents, reporters and cameramen had vanished into the late autumn shadows. Alone, now. He touched a shaking hand to his brow and rummaged in a pocket with the other for his keys.


He looked up. Clark stood by the fence, meeting his gaze with a grin so tired yet happy that Lex couldn’t resist responding with a faint smile of his own. Thank God Clark was safe. Worth it all, for that.

"You know you were a hero today."

Lex shook his head. "I did what had to be done."

"Well, what else do you think being a hero is all about?” Clark stepped closer and extended a hand. “Come on. Mom and Dad want you to come home with us for supper."


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