Keeping the Darkness at Bay
by a campbell
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, PG-13
Spoilers for Devoted
Green drops of blood splatted on the wood floor. Pain fading, then gone. Clark cast an anxious glance at Lex, who stood by the worktable, back turned. Clark furtively unbuttoned his shirt to examine the fading bruises.
Lex turned back before he could rebutton his shirt. Lex, moving close, gazing down at his now-healed chest with that cool concern Clark had seen countless times.
Clark looked away, then directly at Lex. “Why are you here?”
They hadn’t really spoken for months, except for those brief words in the locker room. Months in which Lex had come near to death, and Clark…
“I wanted to give you something,”
Lex leaned down and Clark felt the brush of cool lips on his cheekbone, balm to his bruised spirit, after so long.
The low murmur of Lex’s voice: “I miss you.”
I miss you, too, thought Clark.
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