
by a campbell

Smallville, gen


In answer to the dodecal challenge 18 : "A Smallville character receives a telephone call, which could be either good news or bad. Another character may be listening."


The kitchen phone startled Jonathan awake.

The aroma of coffee--Martha must be downstairs already. He knew she hadn't slept any better. Might as well get up. They had to return to Metropolis today to continue searching for Clark.

"Wonderful!" Martha's voice drifted up to the landing. "Where was he?"

Jonathan's heart jolted. Clark was found.

"Thank heaven he's safe, Lionel. No, no word on Clark yet."

The brief hope evaporated. Jonathan gripped the banister and strained to hear, as Martha lowered her voice. It sounded thick, as though with tears.

Bastard's making her cry, he thought angrily, starting downstairs.

"No, impossible. We can't work together. The temptation is too great. For both of us."

Jonathan halted, fighting the impulse to turn around and pretend he'd heard nothing.

"Thank you. But don't be ashamed for feeling badly about it. It was your baby, too."



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