A Fool For You
by a campbell
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Spoiler S5 in general
Clark Kent could do anything he wanted.
Distrust him, insult him, ignore and revile, following Jonathan’s lead. Fuck Lana in the building, the living room, on the carpet Lex owned, in the apartment for which he paid the electric and water bills. Trust everyone but him: Lionel Luthor, even that upstart professor of his. Take his money for home, friends and strangers, asking without a thought, forgetting within an hour. Shove it in his pocket and sneer in his face.
Lex was aware that now, with Clark, he always came in last. At times they still went through the motions of friendship, but it was all a bleak charade. Why they kept at it like actors repeating a well-worn script was a mystery. Why he himself kept playing along was beyond him.
Lex Luthor didn’t take this kind of treatment from anyone.
Anyone else.
Feedback is welcome at amoss53@yahoo.com
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