by a campbell
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor PG-13
Spoiler S4
Lex sat up in the spring darkness, reached to feel beside him on the mattress as his eyes strained to focus. Fingers touched, connected with Clark’s sheet-covered hip, glided up his side; Clark’s body shifted at the sensation, he murmured, and Lex caught his breath.
What a comfort to have Clark back in his bed, tearing up sheets, snoring lightly, after months alone. Priceless, just as the Mastercard commercials declared. Lex’s own sleep was soundless as a bird’s; with Clark back, he felt alive again. Having Clark here brought home to him how young he still was, himself.
Clark’s voice, drowsy and youthful through the cool quiet. “Lex?”
Lex frowned. He hadn’t meant to wake him. He opened his lips to answer, but nothing came out. He drew back his hand.
“Lex, what is it?”
Lex shook his head, even though he knew Clark couldn’t see in the dim light. ”Nothing. It’s just…”
“Just what?” Clark’s voice, thick with sleep, sharpened and cleared with his next words. “Another nightmare?” His form cleared in Lex’s vision as he struggled to sit up, reached out to draw Lex close, skin and touch warming Lex’s bare chest.
Like his father, Lex preferred never to give in to weakness, but in spite of it, he let his head drop to rest on Clark’s bare shoulder. He moistened his dry lips with his tongue and answered, “Yes.”
Clark’s breath, warm by his ear. “I want to make your nightmares disappear,” he whispered. “Vanish, bam! Slay all your dragons.” Then he laughed, apparently at his own ingenuous words.
“Impossible,” Lex smiled at his fervor, knowing his personal demons were not to be subdued.
“I can try,” Clark vowed, still holding Lex as he straightened the sheet around both of them. “Let me try. Please.”
Still so young, Lex mused, despite all that’s happened. Despite Metropolis.
Despite the summers away, despite the sex, despite love, despite everything. He stretched, limbs relaxing.
Slay my dragons, vanquish me, he thought.
Despite that they’d been asleep for an hour or two, he could still taste his own come in Clark’s mouth when they kissed.
Feedback is welcome at amoss53@yahoo.com
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