
by a campbell

Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, PG

Spoilers for "Krypto"


Dodecal Challange #39: Any character(s) or situation from Krypto's (Shelby's) point of view.


When’s supper? the dog wondered. The man with the stethoscope gave him a friendly pat and turned to leave as the man without hair approached.

The dog panted and preened, licked his young man’s big hand, listened to the soft male voices conferring above him. Sensed the hint of tension in the warm caress as the talk progressed. Tension, and something else. The young man drew him a bit closer as the visitor bent down to take a better look. The dog growled once, low, purely instinct, and resumed the friendly panting once again.

He’d seen the man without hair at the lab he’d rather not remember. That, combined with a desire to protect the young man who’d been his friend, was what occasioned the growl. Instinct. That was all.

That, and the fact that he needed no rivals for the young man’s love.


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