Crossroads - Chapter 6
by a campbell
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, PG-13
Lana drew open the study drapes and gazed out into the mansion garden with a watery smile, the closest she’d ever been to being truly happy. Sparrows twittered and splashed in the stone birdbath, early-spring crocuses and tulips bloomed in the rock garden beneath tall trees laden with green buds.
Her garden. Her birdbath and blossoms. Luthor Mansion was now her home. Home, where she had her own room, in her own wing, no less. She lived here. With Lex, so long a friend and mentor, now significant other. And hopefully, some day not too far in the future, much more.
The thought was sweet, so sweet. To feel warm, loved. She belonged somewhere, to someone, at last.
The last few years had been so hard. Abandoned by Nell. Finding and then losing, Henry Small, her biological father. Moving in with the Sullivans but never really, truly being a part of things. Always alone since her parents died, without a family to call her own.
Not much more fortunate in the romance department. Whitney, her first love, who’d yearned for her long after she’d ceased to care for him. Adam...spirited and doomed, he’d turned on her when all hope had run out. Jason, dominated by a mother too strong for him to resist. Ultimately evil as well.
And Clark. Clark, handsome and kind, except when in the grip of mysterious forces she couldn’t fathom. Who’d dated, dumped, and then dated and dumped her again. Who’d put her through an emotional hell. Clark, so seemingly candid and open, yet constantly hiding things, still failing to confide in her, to trust her. Clark, who’d taken her virginity--sex for a period all too brief, and then nothing, cruel, lame excuses, one after the other, never telling her why. Never trusting her.
How could she have kept crawling back for so long? No matter how lacerated her heart, over, over and over again, practically grovelling. Angry, she’d broken up with him, but then couldn’t bear to let him go. To be alone. Again.
No one had ever loved her enough. Wanted her enough. She always wound up alone.
Until now. Lex treated her as though she were an expensive treasure even he had not been able easily to afford. Proud, appreciative. Lex would support her. He wanted her. He was honest with her. He trusted her. And he and Clark weren’t even friends any longer, so there were no worries about running into Clark here at the mansion, or anywhere else she might accompany Lex. The thought occasioned a sigh of relief; she’d had enough of being a bundle of nerves while she and Chloe were sharing a dorm room. Everything was working out well for once. Everything was going to be fine.
This time, she was going to stand firm, hold fast, speak up for everything she wanted, She wasn’t going to make it that easy for anyone to reject her again.
This time, she wasn’t going to let go.
She loved Lex. They were so right together.
She’d earned this. Love and devotion. Companionship. Honesty. At last.
Warm breath in her ear, followed by a cool "Good morning."
His voice, so like warm cocoa on an icy winter morning. She loved him for that alone. Smiling, she accepted the coffee cup he slid into her hand.
"You’re up early," he observed, nuzzling her neck.
"So are you." Her response was a low chuckle. "When I sleep alone, I wake up early. If I just had someone to snuggle with, it would be different." She lowered her voice to a sleek rumble. "I'd stay in bed all day."
"Patience," he advised, arms stealing around her waist, fingers coaxing her camisole up, then tickling across the skin of her flat belly and circling her navel. After a moment, he whispered, "Were you and Clark in the habit of snuggling?"
Clark again. Strange how neither of them could stay off that subject for long. "Wouldn’t you like to know?" she murmured as seductively as she could.
When they talked about Clark, which they did more often than she cared to consider…when he mentioned Clark to her...oh, she didn’t know, but hearing him say Clark’s name in that silken voice made her go warm and wanting instantly. Made her want to be touched, then fucked, hard.
His soft voice, still close to her ear. "Lana, you know I want the best for you...for us."
"I know," She swallowed, hard. His nimble hands roamed briskly over her body, touching and teasing in all the right places.
"Lex.." she moaned.. He was doing his best to arouse her, but still holding her off. She should be furious, and would be, if she didn’t want much.
Maybe he and Clark weren’t so different.
No. She pushed that thought away.
Lex was different. Mature, dependable, brilliant.
And he was hers.
Lex was still talking as he caressed. "You just have to trust me."
Lana paused only a moment before leaning back into his embrace and surrendering herself to bliss. "I do."
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