by a campbell
Smallville, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Thanks to Starcat, who helped me with idea generation, and to Fajrdrako for the beta and for putting a finger on what was wrong. This fic has been sitting on the back burner so long it's about to scorch. It was originally intended as a sequel of sorts to "Backfire," but I'm no longer certain it fits as such. It is "my" version of Lex and Red!Clark. Not as angsty as some nor as dramatic as others, a bit silly, in parts. I tried to make up for it with chocolate. Anyway, here it is.
Thanks to Cleo for the picture.
Lex's smooth brow wrinkled into furrows as he lay down his pen with a sigh. He looked stealthily toward the counter from beneath the left hand splayed over his forehead. Usually, the Talon was the best place for work on the Lexcorp spreadsheets; surrounding activity seemed to help him concentrate, as did the satisfying availability of caffeinated, whipped and sweetened beverages. Today, however, Clark sat by the cash register with a steaming mug of latte and a bag of caramel corn from the Latin Club's fund raiser before him. Chatting with Lana. So ostentatiously, it seemed to Lex, as though he had selected that seat so that everyone in the shop could see him. And Lex, fortunately or unfortunately, had the best view in the house.
Lex was having trouble focusing on the printouts.
Clark and Lana seemed to have it going on, that afternoon. Clark had one of his textbooks open before him, and, if Lana wasn't helping him with homework, there must have been some other excuse for all the nodding, leaning in close, and chit-chat. Clark kept pointing at pages in the book, and Lana made continuous low comments and glanced at him with eyes that glowed. Every so often, Clark offered the bag of caramel corn and she selected one kernel--one-- popping it lightly into her mouth, and grinning before chewing and swallowing oh, so delicately. Lex heaved another sigh, wondering how anyone could really have such a tiny appetite, or be that affected.
Clark occasionally glanced in Lex's direction with a cryptic expression, and the slight ghost of a smile, and then he would turn back to Lana with renewed intent. More cute and charming chatter would ensue. Lex would frown, make an internal vow not to make eye contact, again, and turn back to his work again, but his mind wandered off within minutes. He could almost feel the heat, the electricity. And he wasn't sure it was between Clark and Lana.
He'd been avoiding Clark for the past two weeks, since the evening Clark had come to Luthor manor and come onto him. A short time earlier, Lex would have thrown caution out the door and taken everything Clark had to offer, but, after the recent debacle with Desiree, he'd been leery of further emotional commitment. And, he was leery still. Because he liked Clark, and hesitated to complicate their friendship with anything more serious, right now, at least. Even though Clark now seemed to be deliberately trying to antagonize him, in a juvenile sort of way.
Silly, Lex thought. Trying to make me jealous. Wasting his time. Give it up, Clark--it's not working.
Clark had changed since their conversation, though, and Lex was baffled. Suddenly, Clark was the bad boy: black leather jacket, shades, pinky ring, crimson-hued class ring, punk t-shirts, and riding a motorcycle, of all things. Acting older, somehow. Confident. Lex figured maybe he'd finally gotten fed up with Jonathan's close-minded attitude and was trying to push his father's buttons,. Or maybe he'd been hurt by Lex's asking him to cool it for awhile, and was trying to tough that off. Or, maybe it was just the black leather jacket, bringing out the Inner Clark. Lex felt a disturbing urge to smack him for the childish behavior. Or an even more disturbing urge to ruffle his hair and hug him.
Lex felt pale and tired, and as though he'd consumed way too much caffeine while he'd been struggling with the reports. He'd gone from hot coffee to iced coffee over the course of the afternoon, and no doubt needed something decent to eat, and some rest.
He got to his feet, and gathered his papers, bundling them up less neatly than usual. "I'm going home, Lana," he said, pulling on his light black jacket. He didn't speak to Clark, who still turned sideways and cast him a pouty, appraising glance as he brushed by. I know why you're leaving, Lex, he seemed to say. You just can't take being this close to me. Seeing me with Lana. Can you?
"Bye, Lex," Lana called after him. Clark took a deep, noisy slurp of his latte.
Lex shook his head, as though to clear it, as he exited, and took a big gulp of the cool fall air once he was outside on the street.
He didn't know why he was being rude to Clark, ignoring him, but something was pushing his buttons.
Once in the crisp air, it gave Lex a jolt to realize just how much time he'd spent lately thinking of Clark.
As he walked to his car, Lex went through his mental catalogue of all the reasons why Clark's proposal was a bad idea. Clark was too young, and Lex had already narrowly escaped punishment for sex with minors. Been there, done that. Clark's father already hated Lex, with no more provocation necessary, and Lex had no idea how Martha really felt about him. Emotional closeness to anyone rendered a person vulnerable. And Lex didn't want to be vulnerable, ever again.
He let himself remember, for the briefest of moments, Desiree, his wife of only a few days. Her softness, her beauty. The sensuousness that he thought would be his forever. The sex. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard; his hands quivered slightly, and he shoved them inside his pockets. His willingness to trust her had almost cost him his life.
And almost brought him to Clark. But: he would never let himself be weakened that way, again. Never.
That night at the manor--barely two weeks ago--he'd gotten Clark to agree to give it some time. How much time, to be determined. By me, Lex had thought privately. He could take time himself to decide if he just wanted to enjoy Clark's body and companionship for awhile when Clark would shortly be mature enough for a casual relationship, or skip the whole thing altogether. But, he would call all the shots, make all the decisions. Not Clark. He felt entirely sure of himself, of his control of the situation.
Until the past couple of days. Now, something was bothering him.
Seemed as though Clark had been deliberately trying to antagonize him, in a juvenile sort of way.
Lex kicked himself mentally for his tendency to forget that Clark was only sixteen. It was easy to lose sight of that fact when Clark towered over him when they talked. Was tall, handsome, and built like an Adonis. In appearance, a beautiful young man. But still just a kid, Lex insisted angrily to himself.
Reaching his car, Lex pulled the door open, and then slammed it shut, a little too hard.
His mind wandered back to Clark and Lana, in the coffee shop.
He didn't really want to leave. But he had no excuse to return.
Lex was still sitting behind the wheel when he heard a tap on the window beside him.
He looked out at Clark, who raised his eyebrows and favored him with a smart-aleck smirk, so different from his usual warmhearted, genuine smile. Lex groaned inwardly, trying to ignore the way his stomach flipped in elation. Clark had come after him, after all.
Lex pushed the "down" button for the power window with what he hoped was casual indifference. "Yeah?"
"Going my way?" asked Clark.
"Guess so," said Lex easily.
Clark strode past the front of the Lamborghini and slid inside. Lex wondered, not for the first time, how he could seem both so clumsy and so graceful at once. He sat back in the seat and flashed Lex a slow, warm smile.
"Doing okay?" Clark asked. Lex shrugged and nodded.
"You left in kind of a hurry. Why?"
"Busy`" said Lex. "Have two projects to finish by the end of the week."
"Ah," said Clark, with a brief grin. He looked like a cat who had not only swallowed but completely digested the nearest canary.
"Got a date tomorrow night," said Clark, smiling and looking quite pleased with himself. He stared straight ahead as he spoke.
"Oh. Who's the lucky girl?" Lex said smoothly, keeping his eyes on the road as his car whizzed passed the outskirts of the Kents' apple orchards. "Lana?"
"No, not this time. Someone else from school. Rebecca."
"Hmm. Rebecca Stone?" Lex tried hard not to feel another dart of jealousy.
"Yeah, how did you know." Clark looked surprised, impressed, and a little suspicious.
"Lucky guess. Her parents both work for me. Knew they had a daughter about your age."
"She asked me," said Clark.
"Oh." Lex made his lips go thin.
"So, we'll see how it goes," said Clark. "Any pointers for me? If she won't put out, what do I do to convince her?"
"Hmm. You're on your own for this one," Lex said, his throat so dry it was sore. "I'm sure you can handle it." He was relieved to be pulling up at the Kent's drive a moment later. He felt suddenly, inexplicably, baffled and angry.
Clark glanced sideways at Lex. "Okay." Former Clark would have thanked Lex for the ride, but this Clark just gave him an almost-wink, opened the door, and rose gracefully to his feet, tipping him a slight wave. As though I were a cab driver, Lex thought.
Lex wasn't expecting Clark to lean in at the window on the driver's side. It startled him so badly that he jumped.
"See you later," Clark murmured in a quiet drawl. He lowered his lashes and raked Lex up and down with a final, appreciative glance.
Clark's frank appraisal made Lex feel almost naked. He shifted the gears so quickly that the engine stalled. Clark looked back quizzically, and then smiled that cat-like grin of satisfaction again.
Lex sat for a moment before restarting the engine, tapping the steering wheel in irritation, watching Clark stride away. In a moment, he took a deep breath.
So, when had Clark gotten to be such a tease? Had he missed something?
Something was really off.
Whoa. Lex thought. Who was that? And, what has he done with Clark?
Was it drugs? Or the inevitable teenage rebellion?
A whisper of alarm. This wasn't the Clark he knew. He hoped Clark wasn't going to get hurt, somehow, in this new phase of exploration.
He'd have to make sure he didn't contribute to his getting hurt, either.
And, he wouldn't. He was in control.
Lex kept himself busy enough the next day, a Saturday, that thoughts of Clark's date wandered only infrequently into his mind.
He was glad of that. He'd hate to think he was that obsessed.
Lex held onto this mindset well into the next day. He worked steadily and productively through the morning.
Clark was really just a minor concern in his life. There were many more important things that demanded his attention. He was pleased that concentrating on work that day didn't seem to require much effort.
The door to Lex's office opened with an abrupt crack, startling Lex awake from an inadvertent early-afternoon doze.
Clark wore a black t-shirt that looked a couple of sizes too small, brand-new sneakers and black jeans, and carried a grocery bag. Lex gazed at him for a moment, disoriented, wondering. Was this the Clark he knew, or the stranger of the past few days?
"Hey, Lex," Clark greeted him, dropping the bag on the glass table. "Wake up."
Lex closed his laptop, and scanned Clark from head to toe. "Clark. School let out early today?"
"Yeah," said Clark brightly. "For me, anyway."
Lex raised his eyebrows, and exhaled, looking at his watch. 12:25. Okay. This was "new" Clark.
Clark began unpacking the sack. Pepsi, Double-Stuf Oreos, and Torengos hit the glass tabletop. "Thought we could hang out together this afternoon," Clark said easily. "I brought lunch!"
Lex raised an eyebrow, looked askance at the snack food, and smiled faintly, but shook his head. "I'm working," He was alarmed that he'd felt his stomach clench with excitement at the prospect of spending the afternoon with Clark, and cleared his throat with determination. Clark cut in before he could speak further.
"Well, take a break." Clark split the cellophane wrapper on the chips with his teeth and placed the two triangular cans on the table. Next, he picked up the bag of Oreos, tore it open, and and fished out a cookie. He twisted it apart, looked at Lex, grinned and slowly licked the filling off of one side with the flat of his tongue. Lex swallowed, hard, and turned his attention to rifling through a stack of papers on his desk.
He was surprised at the question that left his lips. "How was your date?" He spoke casually, looking at the papers, waiting a moment or two before meeting Clark's eyes.
"Which one?" asked Clark. He raised his brows and smiled, lips closed, mouth full of the sugary icing.
Lex looked up in surprise. "With Rebecca."
"Oh," said Clark, as though he'd forgotten. "Not bad. Pretty uneventful. It was the one last night, with Jessie, that was hot!!" He stuffed the two cookie halves in his mouth and chewed, looking as though he were thoroughly both snack and conversation as he waited to see what Lex would say.
"Oh?" Lex said coolly. He both did and didn't want to hear about it.
"Let's just say, Lex, that I learned a lot." He rummaged in the bag again.
"Oh," Lex repeated, his throat having suddenly gone dry as parchment. Clark viewed him with a wicked sparkle in his eyes. He set down the bag of cookies and swept the back of a hand across his mouth.
"Mmm," Clark glanced down at Lex and cocked an eyebrow. The lingering scan that followed could only qualify as "lecherous," Lex admitted to himself. It made him shift uneasily in his chair and feel uncomfortably warm.
"Really, pretty good. But, not quite what I wanted." Clark sounded bored, and petulant, but his voice was smoother than Lex had ever heard it. Clark flung himself into the leather chair by the desk and leaned back, stretching and folding his arms behind his head.
"Oh?" Lex repeated, trying to keep his voice bland. But his breath caught in his throat as he observed how achingly beautiful Clark was, how the black clothing set off the creaminess of his skin and the lightness of his green eyes. How undeniably attractive he was with his new confidence. Attractive, and ominous. Lex sensed a hint of danger, which only piqued his curiosity further.
"No," Clark continued. Abruptly, he rose from his chair and circled behind Lex's. Putting both hands on Lex's shoulders, he began gliding them down. He bent over and mouthed Lex's ear, then breathed a warm breath into the canal.
Lex's breath hitched, his throat tightening uncomfortably. He flashed back to the last time Clark had done this, the week before. But, it was different, now. Clark was less hesitant, now, more forceful, and Lex noted with dismay that his own hands trembled. "You're hard to please," he observed, stupidly, he thought, cursing the fact that he'd gone instantly hard, and that there was no way Clark couldn't notice.
"No," said Clark again. "I'm really easy to please. Might be hard to satisfy, though." Clark reached down with confidence and slid a warm hand over Lex's fly. "'re just hard. So: care to try?"
Lex let out his breath in a hiss he hoped was too low for Clark to hear. Something was seriously wrong. Clark was not himself, and, much as Lex was finding this new Clark tantalizing, it would be wrong to take advantage of the boy, if he were under the influence of drugs, or delirious. He should try to resist. "Clark," said Lex in a low voice, turning, trying to keep his voice casual. "What's going on?"
"Wait and see," Clark purred. He stood up and walked to the window. "Beautiful afternoon, huh?" He stood looking out at the rock garden outside.
Lex stood, too, and came to his side, putting out a hand to hold him steady. "This isn't like you."
"Maybe not," said Clark, not lookng at him. "But, how do you like the new 'me'?"
Lex regarded him searchingly. "Have you taken something?
"Nope," said Clark shortly. He turned to Lex, then, lifted a hand and ran one finger down Lex's cheek, but Lex drew back.
"Have a fight with your folks?" he asked even more quietly, trying to hold Clark's gaze.
Clark sighed, and looked away. "They don't understand me. I need to get away from them, that's for sure. But, that's not really why I'm here." He turned back to Lex with a steady, burning gaze.
"Well, then, what?" Lex's voice was barely above a whisper. He didn't dare breathe. The quiet air that separated them was charged with something Lex didn't recognize.
Clark took a deep, slow breath.
"You knew I'd come, didn't you, Lex?"
Lex looked away. "I don't think you really know what you're doing, Clark."
Clark paused, and Lex waited.
"Don't pretend you haven't wanted me for a long time," Clark said, his voice low, urgent, and velvet-smooth. "You've been hot for me since day one. You know it, I know it. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move."
Lex felt himself grow suddenly cold. It was as though the floor shifted under him. It was different, so different from the week before, and he wasn't sure why. Okay, he thought. Clark seemed to feel quite strongly about this. But, still--
"Come on," Clark coaxed.
Lex gulped as Clark pulled him to his feet, and over to the leather couch.
He should stop this, he thought. He'd stopped it last week, quite easily. But, now...
How could he resist?
Clark gave him a light shove, and Lex dropped obediently to the couch. He frowned as Clark wandered back to grab the bag of Oreos.
What was going on? Clark's weird mood from the past few days was definitely still in force.
Lex told himself sternly that he should be taking control of the situation; telling Clark that he had no time for such distractions in the middle of a workday. But, somehow, he felt powerless. He couldn't assert himself, but just waited, eager to see what Clark would do next.
"One for you, Lex," he urged, holding out the bag. He grinned at Lex, who responded with a scornful smirk.
"That your snack of choice?" said the head of Lexcorp.
"You bet," said Clark. "Can't beat them for a sugar and chocolate rush. Have one." He reached in and fumbled for a handful of the cookies.
Lex looked disdainfully at the chocolate morsel Clark held out to him. "No, thanks," he said, turning away. At the same time, he wondered just how he could refuse the boy anything. Warm in here, he thought, and tugged at the neck of his sweater. He could feel sweat breaking out on his formerly cool skin. "I'm not hungry, Clark."
"All the more for me, then," Clark snorted derisively, moving behind the sofa where Lex sat. "But, you don't know what you're missing. These weren't a part of your upbringing, eh, city boy?"
Lex started as a pair of strong arms dropped around each side of his neck. Clark leaned casually against Lex's back, an Oreo in one hand.
"No," Lex whispered, his throat suddenly tight. Clark was leaning in close. Lex could feel the warmth radiating from his body, from his breath. "Don't," he protested, but Clark paid no attention. He seemed almost pantherlike to Lex, all in black, moving stealthily in for the kill. Lex felt his fingers curling into fists, unable to deny that he found this image more exciting than scary.
"I'll show you the right way to eat one of these, just watch." Clark whispered in Lex's ear, his arms still draped around Lex's neck. He twisted the cookie apart, opened his mouth, and dragged his moist tongue across the iced surface. "Mmmm..." he murmured like a kitten, curling his tongue around the glob of icing, and continuing in a voice deliciously muffled, "It's so good, Lex."
Lex shuddered and closed his eyes. He was sure that, if he spoke, his voice would come out a paralyzed squeak. "Okay, Clark, you win. I'll take one." Might as well humor him, he thought.
Clark grinned, holding Lex steady while he reached for another cookie, which he then held to his friend's lips. "Try it."
Lex reached up to take the cookie, but Clark yanked it away, and then tapped the cookie to his friend's lips.
"You'll love it," he cajoled.
"Clark," Lex protested, stalling. "I've actually tasted Oreos before. I'm just not completely enamored of junk food the way you are."
"You talk so sexy, Lex. Shut up. Just eat it."
Face off, Lex thought, taking a delicate bite. "Not bad."
"So eat the rest," insisted Clark, letting his fingers slide between Lex's lips as the rest of the cookie disappeared into his friend's mouth. He drew his fingers out after a moment and touched them to his own lips. Lex swallowed, hard, and coughed lightly, choking on cookie bits lodged in his dry throat. Had Clark been taking seduction lessons? If so, he didn't know how long he could resist.
"Now, the chaser," said Clark, coming around to the front of the couch. The leather surface creaked as he flopped down beside Lex. "This is the best part," he declared, and leaned in for a kiss.
Lex's lips parted more easily than he would have thought possible. The kiss was sloppy, hot, open-mouthed, and tinged sugary-sweet from the Oreo icing, which Clark had continued holding in his mouth. Lex felt the scratch of the stubble on Clark's chin and upper lip; he gave a slight gasp as they traded chocolate crumbs, frosting, and tongue, tensing at first, then relaxing. His head began to spin. He couldn't help it; he thought in desperation. He was really liking this. And the chocolate only helped.
"Sweet, huh?" asked Clark, breaking the kiss, but pressing his body in so close that Lex could feel the warmth of his skin through the dark clothes.
For once, he was speechless. He coughed and choked.
"Want something to drink?" asked Clark, standing to grab one of the cans of soda. Lex shook his head. Clark snapped open the lid anyway, and took a long draught himself, in great gulps. Lex tried to use the time to regroup, but his hands were trembling.
"Well, then," Clark murmured, setting down the can and swiping his hand across his mouth. His eyes darkened. "Where were we?"
"I think you're heading back to school, as soon as you're through with your lunch." Lex started to rise from the couch.
"Oh, no," said Clark sleekly, swinging long legs abruptly over the back of the couch, and dropping down beside Lex again. He pushed him down against the cushions and held him there.
"Hey, Clark," Lex's heart gave a lurch, and he tried to keep his voice stable. He put one hand on Clark's wrist to slow him down. Clark loomed over him, looking first amused, then serious. Lex could feel the heat radiating from his body, sense a spicy scent that couldn't be sweat, and squirmed uneasily against the grip that held him.
Holding Lex steady with his bigger, stronger frame, Clark brought his hands up to hold Lex's face steady. God, Lex thought. If Clark wanted to, he could kill him with those hands. He tried to suppress a shiver of excitement at the thought.
But, instead, Clark leaned in for a kiss that was even more intense. He let his tongue go thick as he thrust it between Lex's lips, letting it fill his entire mouth. Lex let himself go limp with enjoyment.
"God, Lex," Clark groaned in a whisper. "I've wanted this for so long. Wanted you."
Lex tried to pull his mouth away. "Clark, wait." He started to sit up, but Clark pulled him back down.
"Shut up, Lex," Clark repeated. "Just enjoy it."
I'm really trying to be good, here, Lex thought. But just how much of a saint can I be? He closed his eyes, in spite of himself.
He felt Clark bend to mouth his neck, right on the jugular, and slide a hand down to unfasten the top buttons of Lex's shirt. He opened the shirt to bare Lex's chest, and licked, then kissed, one nipple, nipping, then sucking hard. Damn, thought Lex. He couldn't suppress a slow moan, opened his eyes again to see Clark smiling at him, his eyes dark with passion.
"Like it?" A throaty whisper. Lex caught his breath, nodded briefly, swallowed thickly. Stupid question, he thought.
Clark moved one hand down to Lex's waist, and trailed a finger lightly across the exposed flesh. Lex flinched, and, "You're ticklish!" Clark exclaimed with a deep chuckle of glee, and pounced, lightning-fast, to pin Lex's arms up at his sides, his legs with one of his own.
"Aw, poor Lex. Can't take it, can you?' he crooned softly. Holding his cursing friend steady with an elbow, he moved down to glide his tongue over the exposed stomach area wetly, licking it lightly.
"Damn it!" Lex muttered, then. Panting, he glared at Clark, who was grinning down at him, holding him tight, still, pulling up his white shirt, and Lex knew what was coming, next. Damn him, he thought. What the hell was his problem?
I've got to get loose, he thought crazily. But Clark's strength was intense, and Lex knew he was no match for it.
Strong fingers dug into the bare skin over his ribcage, as Clark trapped him with the other hand. Lex bit his lips to still the panic, choking on giggles. He struggled desperately to roll over or curl up in a ball.
"God, Clark! Stop!" he gasped, when he could speak.
Clark, face flushed, was choking too hard on laughter to answer, but he bent his head back to Lex's stomach to stick the tip of his tongue into Lex's navel for one last, ticklish moment before heeding his friend's pleas.
God, thought Lex, how much more embarrassing could this get?
"Okay, Mr. Hotshot Businessman," said Clark. "But, just wait. I'll get you later. You won't know when it's coming, so watch out." He let go of Lex's arms, and sat halfway up.
"God damn you," said Lex, still breathing hard. His throat hurt from laughing so hard. He had to get back control of the situation, somehow. This was ridiculous.
Clark gave him an up-and-down scan and paused a moment. "Mmmm..." he murmured, "I like that. I like it when you swear at me, Lex. Do it again."
Lex couldn't suppress a low chuckle at this, but made a desperate effort to be serious. "Clark," he said, "Stop. You're out of control."
"So?" said Clark. He raised his eyebrow, but didn't speak further. Lex moved to get up, but Clark still held him. "No. Stay there."
"No," Lex murmured, panting, still breathless. He was so hard now that it hurt.
"Enough fun stuff," Clark said decisively.
He let the smile fade from his face and bent to kiss Lex again, slow and deep. Lex wanted to resist, desperately, but found himself opening his mouth for the caress. This was wrong, he thought desperately. Clark was taking over, and he never let anyone take over. Ever. Especially a kid, six years younger--
Clark sprawled over him, working one hand between them to get his hands down the front of Lex's slacks. And Lex found himself relaxing, giving himself over to the sensations that were welcome, in spite of his protests. Clark reached inside the damp fabric to stroke him. And Lex relaxed into the touch he had craved for almost longer than he could recall.
"Oh, yeah..." breathed Clark. "That's what I'm talking about, Lex." He ran a thumb over the tip, spreading the wetness, slicking down the sides. He bent his lips again to Lex's throat, and Lex stifled yet another moan. He was sinking fast, and he knew it.
"You're so hot, Lex. I've wanted this for so long," Clark whispered in a low growl. "Come on."
He drew Lex's hand to his own fly and pressed it hard against the thickness that was now obvious even through the black jeans.
Clark sighed with pleasure at the pressure of Lex's hand. He took a deep breath, and, all at once, his bravado and his courage seemed to fail him. He cast a worried glance at Lex and hesitated, looking, Lex thought, like a scared child. Lex took advantage of the couple of moments this afforded him to take a deep breath.
"Lex," he said, almost helplessly. "I need you to show me what to do." He hesitated. "I've never been with a guy before. You're my first."
Lex hesitated, and the corners of his mouth twitched with a small smile."Okay, Clark." His breath hitched, but he steadied himself. "For starters, unzip me. And take it slow."
"Okay," said Clark. He dropped to his knees on the couch and did so with a frown of concentration that Lex found both mesmerizing and entrancing. Clark eased the zipper down and reached inside, tracing the outline of Lex's stiff cock through the fabric of his boxers with hands that were unexpectedly gentle. "What now?" he said softly.
Lex sighed, trembling. How to answer a question like this?
"Tell me what to do," Clark urged.
Lex took Clark's hand and guided it to the slit of his silk boxers. "Put your hand on my cock," he said, "Take it out." The moment was better than he'd often imagined it: Clark at his command. His moist, full lips parted, a frown of concentration on his fair face.
Lex quivered as he felt Clark's strong, moist fingers probe, then curl around his stiff cock. He took a moment to steady himself, feeling strangely shy. And he never felt shy, ever. "Put it in your mouth." The words came out in a whisper. "Suck it."
Clark moved in closer, as though he'd been expecting this directive. He tongued the moisture beading at the tip, and Lex threw back his head with a gasp.
"Now, harder. That's it. Try going all the way down."
Teaching Clark what to do like this was incredibly exciting, Lex decided. He sighed a ragged breath, giving himself over to the captivating sensations. Clark's skills would improve with time, he thought: he'd get a handle on the clumsiness, the drooling, the hesitation. But, right now, it was pretty damn good as it was.
"Ah, Clark," he moaned, grasping the boy's head lightly with both hands, burying his fingers in the dark curls, "That's good." He broke off with a gasp that turned into a whimper as Clark let the flat of his tongue scrape slowly across the tip, stroking his hand firmly down to the base and reaching down to cup the testicles. Then he picked up his pace and began to suck harder.
Lex moaned with pleasure, and, too soon, felt the warning tightness in his balls. "Clark," he gasped, "If you don't want to swallow, pull off. Now!"
Clark shook his head, and just sucked harder.
And Lex grimaced as he exploded, stars bursting behind his closed eyelids. When he came to himself again, Clark was coughing. He spat on the floor, and gasped.
"Sorry," said Lex. "I should have--"
"No," Clark choked. "Just went down the wrong throat. I'm okay. I'll do better next time." If Lex hadn't been boneless at the moment, he'd have chuckled at Clark's expression.
He's annoyed with himself, Lex thought, as he tucked himself away and sank into the cushions. For no good reason. He gazed at Clark as satisfaction coursed through him in waves. After a moment, he sat up, trying to make his voice low and husky enough to regain control as he put out a hand to motion Clark closer.
"Your turn now, Clark." And he intended to make it even better for Clark than it had been for him. He reached toward the zipper of Clark's jeans, but Clark caught his hand and pushed it gently but firmly away.
"No," said Clark. "I'll tell you what I'd really like." He touched one finger to Lex's lips, and let his eyelids drop half-closed. "You don't have to do anything."
Lex paused, uncertain. "Are you sure, Clark?"
"Just watch me, Lex, That's all I want."
Okay, he thought. I can do that. With pleasure.
Lex watched, panting, with glazed eyes, hypnotized by the sight of Clark unzipping himself, yanking open the fly on the black jeans with determination. Drawing forth his cock--and hadn't Lex waited, yearning, for this sight for weeks, no, months?
It had been worth it.
Lex had always figured Clark's cock would be something to behold. And he was not disappointed.
Beautiful, Lex thought, and so hard it must have been almost unbearable for Clark to have had to wait this long. Big, uncut, charged with blood, the tip glistening with the moisture that had seeped through the front of Clark's jeans and boxers. Lex fought the urge to reach out and touch, and waited, almost without daring to breathe, to see what Clark would do next.
Clark licked his lips, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and seemed to fall into deep concentration. He began to stroke, slowly at first, gradually harder, sliding his foreskin back, forth over the tip. Lex's gaze shifted from Clark's cock, to his face, and back again.
"What do you think, Lex?" Clark panted, his voice like silk. "Is this hot?"
"Yeah," Lex said faintly. He could watch Clark do this forever, in his own post-orgasmic lassitude.
"Do you like this? Watching me?" Clark asked quietly.
"Yeah," Lex murmured. "I do." What an understatement, he thought. It was probably the most erotic thing he had ever seen.
"Come closer, then," Clark directed, slowing the pace of his stroking for a moment. "Don't take your eyes off me, Lex. Just watch. Watch." He let his eyes fall shut once more.
Clark's hand began to pump faster, harder, and Lex couldn't have torn his gaze from the vision of Clark's closed eyes and crimson rosebud mouth if he'd wanted to. Clark's panting breaths, punctuated by moans, grew deeper and heavier by the moment, as Lex lay captivated.
So beautiful, he thought. And, for me. This afternoon, at least. Hopefully tomorrow, too, and the day after that. For always.
"Lex." Eyes half closed, Clark reached out, grasping Lex's hand, slicking it with the moisture on his own.
"Now, here. Put your hand on me. Like this." Carefully, he took Lex's palm, swiped it with his tongue and folded the fingers around his cock. "Touch me," Clark whispered. Lex stroked him up, then down.
"Now, your mouth," Clark leaned in to kiss him, open-mouthed. "Just touch me with the tip of your tongue," he directed as the kiss broke.
"Whatever you want," Lex murmured. He bent down and did as Clark asked, and Clarks' cock twitched with excitement at the touch of Lex's lips. Clark clutched at Lex's scalp, and he threw back his head with a soft moan of pleasure. Then, he put both hands on Lex's shoulders, pushing him back, holding him steady in front of him.
"Okay, that was great. Now, just keep watching," Clark commanded in a throaty growl. "I love the way you look at me, the way you've looked at me from the beginning. Like you can't wait to have me, take me, any way you can, Lex. I--" Clark's voice trailed off into gasps and whimpers as his speed picked up, and he jacked his cock faster.
Clark almost seemed frightened by the intensity of his feelings, Lex thought, dazed. "Fuck, Lex, I--" He tensed all over, and both of them froze.
Clark groaned aloud, then, white spurts of come threading, shooting out, spattering Lex's face and mouth. Trance-like, Lex opened his mouth to catch, greedy for taste, as Clark collapsed on top of him, spent. Lex raised a hand to caress Clark's back, rubbing circles on his shoulderblades and bending to kiss the tousled curls on top of his head. He was stunned by the tenderness he felt, tenderness charged with dazed excitement.
Clark, still sprawled on top of Lex, kissed him again, lips open, mouth wet. Lex savored the moist warmth of Clark's body for a moment, then moved to get up, but Clark pinned his arms, holding him still. Clark had been willing to be instructed during the sex itself, but now, Lex could tell that the cockiness was back.
"Where do you think you're going?" Clark drawled in a husky voice.
Lex didn't answer, clenched his fist, sighed tightly. Clark stroked the smooth side of his head, and kissed his cheek with a gentleness that Lex found astounding. If he hadn't been Lex Luthor, he might have blushed.
"Well," said Clark. "How was that?"
"Good," said Lex faintly. "You have potential."
Clark chuckled, and sat up.
"Sorry about the mess," he said sleekly, his tone betraying the fact that he really wasn't sorry at all. He bent to suck a few of the drops of the liquid off of Lex's chin and cheek, and grabbed a tissue from the box on Lex's desk to finish cleaning up.
"Don't worry about it," said Lex, swiping a hand across his mouth. Hard to stay dignified, he thought, all come-bespattered as he was. Occupational hazard, but worth it, in this case.
"My hair's wet," Clark chuckled, flashing Lex a sultry smile.
"Yeah," Lex said faintly. He still hadn't moved.
"I've got to go home," said Clark with reluctance. "My stupid parents are waiting for me."
Clark bent to brush his lips across Lex's, and Lex sat up on an elbow to take the kiss.
"Till later," said Clark. "Wait for me tonight. I'll be back." He gave Lex one last sleek, satisfied look before he left.
He still tasted of Oreos, Lex thought, closing his eyes, reluctant to get up. Oreos...and sex.
Lex wasn't sure how long he lay on the couch after Clark had left, sunk in a drowse, all thoughts of work forgotten.
He touched a hand to his mouth, remembering the crimson shade of Clark's bruised lips as he kissed him that last time before he left.
It certainly hadn't been the way Lex had envisioned it, the times when he'd allowed himself to picture his first sexual encounter with Clark. He figured he'd have either to seduce Clark with all his mental and physical powers of persuasion, or half-pressure him into acquiescence.
He'd imagined Clark being shy, hesitant, and deeply moved. Maybe even weeping. Having to lead him through it, of course.
What a surprise.
Thanks, Jess, he thought.
Lex felt a breath of regret for the absence, the passing of his innocent, goodhearted, wholesome Clark. Regret that warred with and was quickly supplanted by fascinated, frightened attraction for this new Clark.
He'd probably never be able to stomach an Oreo cookie again.
He couldn't suppress a delicious shiver at the memory.
And, he couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
Lex waited till midnight before going to bed, but Clark did not return. He decided to call the farm, even though the thought of waking Jonathan made him uneasy.
"Clark is ill," said Jonathan shortly, and Lex left it at that.
Ill how? Ill with what?
He hadn't been sick that afternoon. Strange, but not sick.
Lex spent a sleepless night.
It was a completely different Clark who appeared at the manor around noon on the following day.
Different from the soft-spoken, goodnatured farm boy Lex had known for the past year. Certainly different from the sizzling hooligan of the day before.
Clark's face was pale and agitated. He was trembling. Lex's greeting died on his lips as he waited for Clark to speak.
"Lex," he groaned. "I'm sorry."
Lex sighed, both relieved and disappointed. Clark was himself again. And looking entirely embarrassed and miserable.
"It's okay, Clark," Lex said evenly. He poured himself a whiskey and handed Clark a glass, as well. Normally, Clark would have refused, Lex thought, but not this time.
"I'm ashamed, Lex. I can't even begin to apologize for my behavior. I went way too far. But I'm asking you to forgive me."
"It's okay, Clark." Lex looked down, and away, fiddling with papers on the desk. Don't be too sorry, he thought. Relief and disappointment warred within him as he tried to regroup.
How could he let him know he'd been looking forward to tonight?
He stepped over to where Clark stood gazing out at the garden, much as he had the day before. "I was afraid you wouldn't come back at all, Clark. I'm glad you did."
Clark smiled a little at that, but didn't meet Lex's eyes. He took a gulp of the whiskey and swallowed hard. Lex stroked Clark's shoulder with gentle, circular motion.. "It's okay," he repeated. "Don't worry about it." Clark leaned into the caress, and sighed.
"I don't know what all happened, Lex. But I know I messed up, big time."
"Well, how much do you remember?" Lex couldn't resist asking.
Clark paused, and then said, "You and me. Together. The way I always wanted it." He caught his breath, and turned, with a smile that went straight to Lex's heart. "Seems like a dream, now. A really good one. But, I'm embarrassed."
"You know," said Lex. "I kind of liked you that way."
"Don't say that, Lex," Clark protested, "It was horrible. I was horrible.
No it wasn't Clark. It was good, Lex thought. So good.
Clark caught his hand, and held it to his lips. "Forgive me?" he begged again. "It wasn't me, but, I still feel that way. I love you, Lex. And, I still want you. I promise never to act that way again. Can you trust me?"
"I love you, too, Clark. Whether or not you're 'you' at any given moment."
"Thanks, Lex." Clark smiled with relief.
"Well, let's take it from here, then." said Lex. "But, not before you're ready, Clark."
"The question is: are you ready, now, Lex? We were supposed to wait, and I kind of forced you into it. Hope I didn't blow it yesterday."
Lex found that so amusing that his shoulders shook with silent laughter.
"Yeah, Clark, you blew it. But not in a bad way! Not that much," Lex continued more soberly. "And, at least I know how you like it, now." Lex lifted one finger and trailed it down Clark's cheek. "You'd have been too shy to let me know before, I think. So, it's just as well.
Clark blushed and laughed an embarrassed laugh.
Lex pulled him in for a kiss, then, glad that they'd made the decision together.
Control, he thought. How important was it?
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