Caught in the Act

by a campbell

Smallville, Clark Kent/Lext Luthor


"Cliche Number ??? Lex discovers Clark beating off"

Yeah, I know. I should be ashamed. Unbeta'd: all stupidity is mine alone.


Clark steered the truck onto the shoulder with a whispered curse. Tires crunched over twigs and stones as they ground to a stop well off the road, close to the woods.

He shoved the gear shift into park, and took a deep breath.

It was dawn, and damn it, he was already going to catch hell enough for being so late getting back. The summer sun was already glaring over the horizon at the end of the dusty road, giving him the same rush it always did. A rush eclipsed this morning by anxiety over what Dad would say at his having been away, with the truck, all night.

But this was urgent.

He hadn't meant to fall asleep at Lex's, but they'd stayed up late working on Clark's history report, which was 30 percent of his semester grade. It had to be good.

When he'd awakened this morning, he wasn't sure how it had happened, but he'd been on Lex's bed, still dressed. With Lex dozing beside him, lying on his stomach, under covers pulled up to his waist, but naked, Clark could tell. What he could see of Lex's pale peach body looked shell-smooth and sleek. His back rose and fell ever so slightly as he breathed in and out. Clark had watched for a few moments as Lex slept, before hauling himself off the bed and speeding out the door. He’d wanted reach out, to stroke smooth skin, so badly...

His heart warmed at the memory. God, if Lex knew how he felt about him. He was miles from understanding it himself.

And, now, he had a hard-on that wouldn't quit. Cock throbbing, pressing against the front of his jeans so tightly that the zipper would be slicing into it painfully if he were a normal guy. Begging for contact. He couldn’t go home this way. Didn’t want to. He yearned to indulge in one last fantasy before feeding the cows and raking out stalls, facing his parents at breakfast to discuss the upcoming week's budget management and Martha's overbooked calendar.

Hold onto last night just a bit longer. Reality would return soon enough.

It would just take a minute to fix the problem. He was already so damn close.

He licked his lips, then his hand, as he unzipped with the other. Stroked the rigid flesh first through the damp fabric of his boxers, then reached inside to free himself from the confines of the cloth. He touched a finger to the tip of his cock and put it to his mouth to suck at the sticky fluid, then slid back the foreskin and wrapped his wet palm around the base.

It came out tender, in a whisper, ended on a sigh. "Lex."

He began to stroke himself, up, then down, and, as his hand moved, conjured Lex the way he'd looked last night. Slim, elegant, cool. Dark red shirt, dress slacks, the whiff of spice Clark kept catching when he'd bend over to look at textbook and notes, point something out on one of the pages. When Clark turned to look at him, Lex would let his voice drop a little, and move in closer, so close that the thin scar on his upper lip caught the light from the fire.

Lex's mouth: God, wicked tongue, so good at desultory humor and sultry wit, so that Clark, and everyone else, hung suspended on every word he uttered, just waiting breathless to hear what he would say next. He must know how to use it in other ways, too, and use it well.

He imagined Lex waking up before he had left. Drowsy eyes gliding open, lips curving into that half-smile that Clark loved. Lex saying, "Clark," in a voice thick with sleep and even more husky than usual. Clark imagined Lex kneeling before him now, putting two hands on his thighs and parting his legs. Saw him leaning in, exhaling a long breath, admiration fighting with the desire to say something dry and perceptive to put Clark at ease. Settling for something complimentary, regardless, because, even though he lacked confidence in some areas, Clark knew his cock looked pretty good. Reaching out, then, palm almost steady but quivering just a little. That gleam in his gaze, that he seemed to bestow exclusively on Clark. He really didn't think he was deluding himself. He knew Lex liked him, he knew he did.

But Clark wasn’t sure how long he'd have to wait for it. Maybe a long time.

Blowing on him, and then just blowing him, and, God, that would be worth everything.

Clark's breath quickened, the pace of his stroking accellerated. His head fell back, smacking the pane of glass behind him. He didn't notice.

Lex nipping at him, lapping at his balls, sucking, mouth wet, hot, avid--

Lex, God...


Something was wrong.


Clark's eyes flew open. Not his imagination. Lex was standing outside, looking in, tapping once, twice, on the glass of the half-open window. Eyebrows raised, lips twitching.

Clark gulped, and looked hastily away, his heart plunging from his throat to somewhere down in the confines of his sneakers. A rush of blood warmed his neck and face, and he couldn’t think of a damn thing to say. So, he rolled down the window the rest of the way, and waited for Lex to speak. He couldn't look at him again.

Lex didn’t make him wait that long. "I was going to ask if you were okay, but it looks as though you're doing fine."

Just kill me now, Clark thought in desperation.

"Yeah," God, had he really gasped Lex's name, just a moment ago, before...? He was pretty sure he had. So, no point in trying to deny anything.

"Okay, I'm officially mortified." Maybe he could just brazen it out.

"Don’t be, on my account. Everyone does it, and you are sixteen. If you can't beat off at that age, when can you?"

Clark squirmed with embarrassment. So much for toughing it out. "I didn't think anyone else would be out here," he stammered.

"Well, I woke up, and you were gone. I thought maybe we should talk about last night, what happened."

"What happened," Clark said, unable to sound anything but vulnerable as Lex's casual stride took him to the passenger's side door. Clark tucked himself away really fast, at least back into his boxers. He knew he wouldn't be able to get his zipper up, not yet.

Lex slid into the cab, and Clark mustered up the courage to meet his gaze. "Besides...I'm flattered."

"You heard," said Clark. Damn.

"Yeah, I heard," said Lex. "And, you just answered a lot of my questions."

"I did?"

"Yeah. So, mind if I help you with that?"

Lex reached for Clark's fly, and Clark let his eyes fall shut with a moan.


What did happen last night? Clark wondered belatedly, turning into the drive at home after dropping Lex off.

He wasn't quite sure. But a glance in the rear-view mirror told him he'd better wipe the goofy grin off his face before going inside.


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